
YuJet Surfer

A fully electric, carbon fiber, jet-powered surfboard. This board is about 50lbs with a top speed of 24mph. Plenty of power to have you standing up on the water in no time.

YuJet Surfer XT

A fully electric, jet-powered surfboard that will have your blood pumping and heart pounding with the adrenaline that you’ve been looking for. This board weighs about 60lbs and also has a top speed of 24mph.

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Surfer Gallery

Our surfers in action — making gnarly memories on Lake Lanier.
Want a feature in our Surfer Gallery? Reach us through our Contact page!


No previous surfing experience required.
These boards were designed for beginners and stable for any novice user.

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Beginner vs. Expert Mode

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Safety Tips

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